Friday, January 8, 2010

Christ as our first love

Most girls dream about the man who will one day come to sweep her off her feet away from all her troubles and fears. He would be her knight and shining armor the love of her life, the man of her dreams...... And then reality hits in. She enters a relationship with a young man, who isn't everything she expected him to be, and is definitely no knight in shining armor. She is devastated, she thinks, "What happened to my fairy tail, where is my prince charming.?"... The answer isn't complicated, her heart has been broken because this young man did not resemble any Christ like character. Ok if I lost some of you, let me explain. We girls have been made with a heart that desires Christ and everything that is within Him. He has unfailing compassion, loves without cost, endlessly forgiving, represents truth at all times, and through all His amazing power is evermore humble. We were made to long for these things because Christ Himself created us, He created us to desire Him. He is the only one that can fulfill our hearts 100%. For nobody is perfect. Christ has all this love for us and yet it can go by completely unnoticed. Our hearts ache and we are willing to fill it with just anybody. Be we shouldn't sell our selves so short, because the purpose of marriage itself is to mirror our relationship with Christ. For example, how can we possibly love someone if we never experience real true love with Christ first? He is our maker, teacher, Father, and He alone is our first prince charming. And any man who doesn't not have Christ like characteristics will never satisfy our hearts and souls. I know this is a lot, but I just want to share with you ladies that Christ is our first love and He wants the best for His daughters and any man who does not live like Him is unworthy for all His princesses!

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